The Off the Creek Program provides funding and information to landowners who wish to make changes on their land that benefit the environment and their farm/ranch/land.
The Red Deer County Agricultural Services Board has approved changes to the Off the Creek Program for 2011. These changes will benefit landowners who choose to participate in the program.
Some of the changes include:
· Maximum funding available per project: $4000 ($5000 if you have an Environmental Farm Plan or equivalent)
· Projects can benefit: riparian areas, surface water quality, native range, or shallow groundwater
· Eligible Project Expenses: any expense you incur for the project, in the calendar year of the project
· Funding Retroactivity: if you do a project in 2011, then apply for funding afterwards (in 2011), you may be eligible for funding (but keep in mind: if you apply for funding before you do a project, and your application is approved, you’re guaranteed the funding).
What kind of projects are eligible?
Any project that benefits riparian areas, surface water quality, native range, or shallow groundwater on your land may be eligible.
In the past, the Off the Creek Program has supported riparian fencing projects, stream crossings, off-stream livestock watering systems, portable shelters and so on. These projects remain eligible. Some other ideas for projects that may be eligible, include:
· Environmentally sustainable weed control
· Septic system improvements
· Manure Run-on or Run-off projects
· Manure application projects
· Soil and Manure Sampling (for a Manure Management Plan)
· Digging a new dugout or a new well
· Off-site watering from a ground-water fed dugout
· Renting equipment that allows you to try out an environmentally beneficial management practice (for example, a portable off-site watering system).
In 2010, the Off the Creek Program supported 14 County landowners in doing 16 projects. One of these projects, completed by the Warrens along a tributary to the Medicine River, is below.
Landowners in Red Deer County are encouraged to contact me as soon as possible to discuss your project ideas, or if you have any questions. My phone number is 403.342.8653 and my email is Information is also posted on the Red Deer County website: (mouse over “Agriculture”, click “Land and Water Management” then click “Off the Creek”).