Monday, January 17, 2011

Welcome to the Off the Creek Blog Page!


This page will bring you up-to-date info about the Off the Creek Program, and other conservation programs we have at Red Deer County.  We'll also provide links to new info we find out about, on the topic of conservation agriculture.

Please...the intent of this site is information exchange.  So, it would be great if you would provide comments, add information, and share your ideas!

I'm no internet wizard...but from what I understand, if you want to stay up-to-date on what we've got on this site, clicking on the "subscribe to posts (atom)" link near the bottom of the page, and/or do the "Follow" thing on the right...

Probably better yet, just send me an email (, saying you'd like to get email updates about the Off the Creek Program and other conservation programs.  I'll send regular (and short!!) update emails to the people on that list.

I'll leave it there.  Thanks for stopping by!