Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Environmentally Signficant Areas Open House at the Red Deer County Office

WHEN: Tuesday, December 13, from 4:30 to 8:30 (PM)

This is a chance to see the draft policies about Environmentally Significant Areas, as they might appear in Red Deer County's Municipal Development Plan.

If you'd like to see these draft policies, they are available at:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Well...after a few months away from the “Blogosphere” doing green season/growing season things, I figured it’s way overdue to start up the Off the Creek Blog that the ground’s freezing and the snow is falling (kind of).
Please check out the newest feature: Off the Creek TV (you’ll see it as a separate “tab” above).  Future postings will include more videos, including videos of Off the Creek Projects.

·        15 Projects :
o   6 “off-creek” watering projects
o   5 riparian management fencing projects
o   3 riparian management fencing and off-creek watering projects
o   1 tree planting project (involving 6 different landowners)
·        Impacts:
o   234 acres of riparian area
o   122 acres of native range / forest
o   6.21 miles of river and stream
o   7.3 acres of pond / wetland
o   669 animal units under “special riparian / range management”.
A BIG THANKS to the landowners doing Off the Creek projects in 2011. 

PLEASE NOTE: There is still enough funding left over to do maybe one or two more portable shelters anyone?  Or maybe new fencing for winter grazing? 

Contact me if you're interested!  Or download the Application form (see the Off the Creek Doc's tab above), and send it in!