Other news:
1. Time for re-visits!
The Off the Creek Program and its predecessor program, the Riparian Fencing Initiative, have been around long enough now that we're able to go back for the formal "re-visits"... after 4 or 5 years, we go back to the projects, and re-do any Riparian Health Assessment work completed when the project first went in, to see how the project has helped improve or maintain Riparian Health over time. We'll post information on these re-visits (while protecting the landowners' anonymity of course!), here on the Off the Creek Blog.
2. Don't wait...time and resources are running out
- Remember that the Growing Forward funding programs are nearing their end. Deadlines and other information are posted at http://www.growingforward.alberta.ca/
- Over half of the 2012 Off the Creek Program budget has been allocated so far, to 10 great projects. If you're a Red Deer County landowner thinking of doing a project with the Off the Creek Program in 2012...get your application in soon!